Guide for Format Your APA Title Page Correctly

Staring at a blank document, wondering how to properly format your APA title page? You’re not alone. That first page of your academic paper serves as the reader’s introduction to your work, and getting it right matters. The American Psychological Association (APA) style is widely used in social sciences, education, and other fields, with specific guidelines for how title pages should appear, including the proper formatting and placement of the paper title.

In this guide, We’ll walk you through the process of creating professional-looking APA title pages (7th edition) for both student and professional papers. With these clear steps, you’ll be ready to write my paper with confidence, starting with a flawless title page. By the end, you’ll have the skills to format your title page correctly every time.

Understanding APA Title Page Basics

The APA title page is a crucial component of any academic or professional paper written in APA style. It serves as the first page of the paper and provides essential information about the author, the paper’s title, and the institution. Understanding the basics of an APA title page is vital to ensure that your paper is formatted correctly and meets the requirements of your instructor or institution.

The title page sets the stage for your entire paper, offering a snapshot of what the reader can expect. Whether you are a student submitting an assignment or a professional preparing a manuscript for publication, a well-formatted APA title page demonstrates your attention to detail and adherence to academic standards.

Required Elements of an APA Title Page

An APA title page typically includes the following elements:

  • Page number: The page number is placed in the top right corner of the title page and is always 1.
  • Title: The title of the paper is centered and bolded, and is usually placed three to four lines down from the top of the page.
  • Byline: The author’s name is placed below the title, centered, and double-spaced.
  • Affiliation: The author’s institutional affiliation is placed below the author’s name, centered, and double-spaced.
  • Course name: The course name and number are placed below the affiliation, centered, and double-spaced.
  • Instructor: The instructor’s name is placed below the course name, centered, and double-spaced.
  • Due date: The due date is placed below the instructor’s name, centered, and double-spaced.

Each of these elements plays a specific role in identifying the paper and its author, ensuring that the document is properly cataloged and reviewed. By including all required elements, you ensure that your title page meets the standards set by the APA.

What Is an APA Title Page?

The title page is the first impression readers have of your paper. It serves as an organized introduction to your work, containing essential information about the paper, its author(s), and institutional affiliations. Think of it as the cover of your academic book—it should be clean, professional, and contain all the necessary details.

APA distinguishes between two types of title pages: student papers and professional papers. Student papers include course information and instructor details, while professional papers (intended for publication) include a running head and author note. Both types follow these general formatting rules:

  • 1-inch margins on all sides
  • 12-point Times New Roman font (or another readable serif font)
  • Double-spacing throughout
  • Page number “1” in the top-right header

These fundamental guidelines create the foundation for a properly formatted paper that adheres to academic standards.

How to Create a Student Title Page

For college students, the APA student title page includes specific elements that help instructors identify and organize submissions. Here’s how to create one: The student version of the title page follows distinct guidelines tailored to students, such as the omission of the running head and specific content requirements.

Step 1: Set up your document formatting

Open your word processor and set your page to:

  • 1-inch margins all around
  • Double-spacing for the entire document
  • 12-point Times New Roman font

The page header should include the page number and, for professional papers, a running head, formatted according to APA guidelines.

Step 2: Add the page number

  • Click on “Insert” and then “Header”
  • Add the page number “1” in the top-right corner to ensure proper document organization with consistent page numbers.
  • Make sure it’s the same font as your main text

Step 3: Create and format your title

  • Position your cursor about 3-4 lines down from the top margin
  • Type your title in title case (capitalize major words)
  • Make the title bold, centered, and concise (typically 12 words or fewer)
  • If your title has a colon, capitalize the first word after the colon

Step 4: Add the remaining elements

All of the following should be centered and double-spaced:

  • Your full name (no titles or degrees)
  • Your institutional affiliation (department and university name)
  • Course number and name (e.g., “PSY 101: Introduction to Psychology”)
  • Instructor’s name with appropriate title (e.g., “Professor Jane Smith”)
  • Assignment due date in the format your instructor prefers (typically Month Day, Year)

Ensure there is one double spaced blank line between the paper title and the author names.

For example:

The Effects of Sleep Deprivation on Academic Performance

Jane A. Doe

Department of Psychology, XYZ University

PSY 301: Advanced Research Methods

Professor Robert Johnson

October 15, 2024

Remember to check with your instructor for any specific variations they might require, as some professors have preferences beyond the standard APA guidelines.

Institutional Affiliation and Course Information

The institutional affiliation and course information are essential components of an APA title page. The institutional affiliation should include the name of the department and the name of the college, university, or other institution, separated by a comma. For example, “Department of Psychology, XYZ University.” This information helps readers identify the academic context of your work.

The course name and number should be provided as shown on instructional materials, followed by a colon and the course name. For instance, “PSY 101: Introduction to Psychology.” This ensures that your paper is correctly associated with the specific course and instructor.

How to Create a Professional Title Page

Professional papers follow a slightly different format intended for journal submissions and published works. Here’s how to create a professional APA title page, including the paper’s title:

Step 1: Add a running head (if required)

  • In the header section, insert “Running head: [SHORTENED TITLE]” aligned left
  • The shortened title should be in all capital letters
  • Keep it to 50 characters or fewer, including spaces
  • Note: The 7th edition of APA made running heads optional for students, but some instructors still require them

In professional papers, the page header should include the page number and the running head, formatted according to APA guidelines.

Step 2: Format the title and author information

  • Center your full title in bold, title case formatting
  • Add your name (and co-authors, if applicable)
  • List each author’s institutional affiliation
  • If authors have different affiliations, use superscript numbers to match authors to their institutions

This format is common in fields like business or psychology, where projects like those needing MBA assignment help often involve multiple contributors.

Step 3: Include an author note

The author note appears at the bottom of the title page and typically includes:

  • ORCID identifications (if available)
  • Changes in author affiliation
  • Disclosures or acknowledgments
  • Contact information for the corresponding author

For example:


The Effects of Sleep Deprivation on Academic Performance in Undergraduate Students

John B. Smith¹ and Maria R. Garcia²

¹Department of Psychology, XYZ University

²Department of Neuroscience, ABC College

Author Note

This research was supported by a grant from the National Sleep Foundation.

Correspondence concerning this article should be addressed to John B. Smith, Department of Psychology, XYZ University, City, State, Zip. Email: e-mail

Creating a Title Page with Multiple Authors

When creating a title page with multiple authors, the formatting rules change slightly. The authors’ names should be listed in order of their contribution, with the first author’s name listed first. If there are two authors, the word “and” is used between the authors’ names. For example, “John B. Smith and Maria R. Garcia.”

If there are three or more authors, a comma is used between the authors’ names, and the word “and” is used before the final author’s name. For example, “John B. Smith, Maria R. Garcia, and Emily T. Johnson.” This format ensures that all contributors are properly credited for their work.

Student vs. Professional APA Title Page (7th Edition)

Element Student Paper Professional Paper
Page Number “1” in top-right corner “1” in top-right corner
Running Head Optional (check with instructor) Required (e.g., “RUNNING HEAD: SHORT TITLE”)
Title Centered, bold, 3-4 lines from top Centered, bold, 3-4 lines from top
Author Name Full name, centered, double-spaced below title Full name(s), centered, double-spaced below title
Affiliation Department and university (e.g., “Psychology, XYZ University”) Institutional affiliation(s) with superscript if multiple
Course Info Course number and name (e.g., “PSY 101: Intro to Psychology”) Not included
Instructor Instructor’s name (e.g., “Professor Jane Smith”) Not included
Due Date Month Day, Year (e.g., “October 15, 2024”) Not included
Author Note Not required Included (e.g., ORCID, acknowledgments, contact info)
Formatting 1-inch margins, double-spaced, 12-pt Times New Roman 1-inch margins, double-spaced, 12-pt Times New Roman


APA 7th Edition Guidelines for Title Pages

The APA 7th edition guidelines for title pages provide specific requirements for formatting the title page. The title page should be double-spaced and centered, with a 1-inch margin on all sides. The title should be placed three to four lines down from the top of the page, centered, and bolded. The author’s name should be placed below the title, centered, and double-spaced. The institutional affiliation and course information should be placed below the author’s name, centered, and double-spaced.

In addition to these guidelines, the APA 7th edition also provides specific requirements for formatting the title page for professional papers. Professional papers require an author note, which includes the author’s ORCID iD, affiliation changes, disclosures of conflicts of interest, brief acknowledgments, and contact information. The author note should be placed on the bottom half of the page, centered, and bolded, with the label “Author Note.”

By adhering to these guidelines, you ensure that your title page meets the highest standards of academic and professional writing, making a strong first impression on your readers.

Common Mistakes to Avoid

Even experienced writers make formatting errors. Here are some common mistakes to watch out for:

  • Forgetting to include the page number “1” on the title page
  • Using single spacing instead of double spacing
  • Adding unnecessary labels like “Title:” or “Author:”
  • Making the title too long or writing it in sentence case
  • Including personal titles (Dr., Prof.) with author names
  • Incorrect capitalization in the title (remember to capitalize words with four or more letters)
  • For student papers, including a running head when not required

Always proofread your title page carefully, and when in doubt, consult the official APA Publication Manual or your institution’s writing center for guidance.

FAQ: APA Title Page Basics

  1. What is an APA title page?
    It’s the first page of an APA-style paper, providing the title, author’s name, affiliation, and other details like course info (for students) or author notes (for professionals).
  2. Do I need a running head in APA 7th edition?
    No, it’s optional for student papers but required for professional papers submitted for publication.
  3. What font and spacing should I use?
    Use 12-point Times New Roman (or a similar serif font) and double-spacing throughout.
  4. Where does the page number go?
    The page number “1” goes in the top-right corner of the title page.
  5. How long should my title be?
    Keep it concise, typically 12 words or fewer, and use title case (capitalize major words).

Mastering Your APA Title Page

Creating an APA title page doesn’t have to be intimidating. By following these step-by-step guidelines, you can ensure your academic papers begin with a professional, properly formatted introduction. Remember that the title page sets the tone for the rest of your work, showing readers that you pay attention to detail and understand academic conventions.

Practice makes perfect, so consider creating a template for future papers once you’ve mastered the format. And if you’re ever unsure about a specific requirement, the APA Publication Manual (7th edition) remains the definitive resource.

Have questions about APA formatting beyond the title page? Share them in the comments below, and we’ll help clarify any confusing aspects of academic formatting.

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