Physics Research Paper Topics

  1. What is “Dark Matter” and why is it important?
  2. How old is the universe?
  3. Why is Pluto no longer a planet?
  4. What are black holes?
  5. What is dark energy? What do we really know about the universe we live in?
  6. What is the future of commercial space flight?
  7. Was there ever life on Mars?
  8. It has been claimed that going into space is important for scientific development. Is that true? What scientific breakthroughs have come about through the space programs?
  9. Is it likely that there is life on other planets? What would it take for a planet to have life?
  10. What has the International Space Station discovered that is most important?
  11. How have meteorites changed our view of the Universe?
  12. Should the United States return to the moon and try to go to other planets?
  13. What have we learned about the universe from meteorites?
  14. What happened in the “Big Bang?”
  15. How important is it to explore our solar system? Is space exploration really necessary?
  16. What caused the Astroid Belt?
  17. How can we solve the problem of “space junk”?
  18. How will private space flight companies change the future of space exploration?
  19. Is it realistic that people can live on another planet?
  20. What is the likelihood that a comet will strike the earth? What is the best way to detect and stop this?

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